custom graphite screw

You’re in the right place for custom graphite screw.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on DAKING.we guarantee that it’s here on DAKING.
It gives optimal shading and allows light to enter the building as required so that the building does not become an oven during summers. .
We aim to provide the highest quality custom graphite screw.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • Daking-Carbon carbon composite screw graphite bolts
    Daking-Carbon carbon composite screw graphite bolts
    Carbon carbon composite screws are a premium product that offer many advantages over traditional metal screws, including high strength, light weight, corrosion resistance, and high temperature resistance. They are suitable for a wide range of applications including aerospace, defence, automotive, marine and offshore industries.
  • Daking-Carbon carbon composite high purity graphite bolts and nuts Graphite bolts and nuts
    Daking-Carbon carbon composite high purity graphite bolts and nuts Graphite bolts and nuts
    The carbon element content of carbon composite material is higher than 99% after high temperature treatment, so carbon carbon screws, bolts and nuts processed by carbon carbon composite material have excellent properties such as high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and are widely used in the industrial field.
  • Daking-Wholesale wear resistance graphite screw bolt fastener for machinery
    Daking-Wholesale wear resistance graphite screw bolt fastener for machinery
    High purity graphite bolts and nuts, high temperature resistance, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, often used in industry and other fields, the extension of crystal graphite professional customization of all kinds of graphite products, support to figure processing customization.
  • Daking-Supplier customized quality graphite nuts and bolts
    Daking-Supplier customized quality graphite nuts and bolts
    Graphite bolts and nuts have the characteristics of good electrical and thermal conductivity, high purity, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance and so on. Used in solar photovoltaic industry, mainly for the raw materials of graphite boat equipment in cell production line.
  • DAKING - Heating Parts Vacuum Furnace High Purity Carbon Graphite Screws Graphite Screw
    DAKING - Heating Parts Vacuum Furnace High Purity Carbon Graphite Screws Graphite Screw
    Our experienced and creative R&D employees have been continuously working hard to upgrade and develop technologies. Thanks to the improved utilization of technology, the Heating Parts Vacuum Furnace High Purity Carbon Graphite Screws performance and quality can be well guaranteed. With the further research on the product, its application range has been gradually enlarged. At present, it can be widely seen in the field(s) of Other Graphite Products.  
  • DAKING - Wholesale high purity graphite screw for electronic equipment Graphite Screw
    DAKING - Wholesale high purity graphite screw for electronic equipment Graphite Screw
    After the listing of Wholesale high purity graphite screw for electronic equipment, with its differentiated functions, it not only meets the real needs of customers, but also brings more value-added experience to customers, so that the company's product sales and market popularity have exploded increase.What's more customization service is offered to meet different demands.  
  • DAKING - Supplier customized molds graphite bolt nuts screw mold Graphite Screw
    DAKING - Supplier customized molds graphite bolt nuts screw mold Graphite Screw
    Technology is applied to the manufacturing process of the products.Characterized by versatile features and perfect applicability,Supplier customized molds graphite bolt nuts screw mold can be widely seen in the field(s) of Other Graphite Products.  
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